December 8, 2024

A Gift of Peace

Passage: Isaiah 9: 6-7, and Luke 2: 8-16

Peace be with you.  “My peace be with you.”  Not an empty phrase. God’s peace is a “fill the body” peace; certainly not fleeting.  It is provided to all of us who have been saved and claimed Jesus Christ as our Savior.  We are the people on “whom His favor rests.”   The Christmas story and its carols are filled with references to peace.  The angels said “Do not be afraid” on a night that could have been the actual “Midnight Clear”.  Carols sung by the angels glorifying God….Sleep in Heavenly Peace,  Think of all the carols with glory and peace in the texts.  We should be clearing/calming our minds and letting the true peace of God fill our hearts and minds.  Calming peace, perfect peace.

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