All are Welcome at the Feast
All are Welcome at the Feast. The disciples…a group of men called by Jesus. A group of diverse fellows, with different personalities, traits, or talents. Logical, despicable, pessimistic, overshadowed, political extremist, hard-hearted…. Can you match the individuals (the list of disciples from Matthew 10) to the word that best describes each of them? Each an individual whom Jesus called. They were chosen by Jesus to be His disciples and teachers although they were all born with sin already implanted in their natures. This sermon is a fascinating review of each of the disciples and in conclusion – all sin-filled folks are invited, “called” by Jesus to be His followers, His teachers, His loving hands, His preachers….and all of us are invited and welcome to take the cup and the bread, knowing that our sin has been wiped clean, by the payment of Jesus Himself. We are indeed forgiven and called to “make disciples of all nations.”