January 26, 2025

Here’s Your Sign!

Passage: Psalm 36: 5-10 and John 2: 1-11

Recording not available.  Yes, Jesus turned water into wine in John, chapter 2, verses 1-11.  We’re familiar with that passage – our children even learn about that in Sunday School.  John wasn’t into it as being the First Miracle and he was not particularly interested in the action as being the First Big Sign of seven.  John saw the deeper meaning of this first sign — he realized that Jesus was declaring Himself to be an agent of transformation – This was His purpose.  Jesus, God’s own dear Son, lived here on earth as a Jew and  was familiar with Judaism and the Law.   What we may not have learned in our Sunday School lessons is that He changed the water into wine – something that would not satisfy the Law.  Water for washing… wine Not used for ritual purification or washing.  Can you see the difference between the water and the wine?  Jesus came to transform the Law through Grace.  The Law is necessary and good but God’s Grace transforms it into new life and Joy.  Do people see your JOY when they look at your life?  Do you see that you have access to living water?  Is there any indication in your life that you serve a God who turns water into wine?