August 18, 2024

Joyfulness in the Lord

Passage: Psalm 100, Ephesians 5: 18-20

Are you a joyful person?  What helps you maintain “your joy?”   Are you full of praise and thankfulness for the Lord, Your Maker?   Do you think about nature, all that God has created for you?  Do you soak in the blue sky, green grass and all the flowers that bloom, precisely on their own schedules?   In the midst of your hustle and bustle and never-ending tasks, do you find yourselves sometimes weary, unsettled, isolated, or “low on joy?”  All alone, as David, the young shepherd was, with only his sheep, h prayed, he worshiped, he praised the Lord.  Known now as the Psalmist, his “songs” were sent straight to the Lord and David received peace in his soul.  Need a tune-up for your reserves of Joy?  If possible, come worship with your church family and sing, praise, pray and enjoy the love of your brothers and sisters of the church.  Reach out to people, but remember, you can do your own “tune-up” with a prayer line directly from you to our Lord at any time, or any place.

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