The shepherds lived out in the fields, watching their sheep and an Angel of the Ord appeared to them, the glory of the Lord shown round about them, and they…
Traditional Christmas Eve Service at the Slate Ridge Presbyterian Church, Cardiff, MD. A Service of Lessons and Carols, adapted from the Festival of Nine lessons and Carrols that has been…
This one is quite easy, if you've been brought up with Scriptures all your life. God, our Heavenly Father, gave us His only Son, as a baby who grew into…
The Song of Mary, Mother of our Lord; in this sermon, Pastor Fitzgerald reminds us that she is the first carrier of the Gospel. Mary so willingly trusted God and…
Peace be with you. "My peace be with you." Not an empty phrase. God's peace is a "fill the body" peace; certainly not fleeting. It is provided to all of…
A time of waiting... thousands of years of waiting for the Messiah to come. Years when God did not intervene with the people's plans and battles were lost... then more…