He Is the One

June 9, 2024
Finding a "king" to replace Saul.  God led Samuel to find the replacement, assessing each of Jesse's sons for the "one".  The one who is faithful to the small things,…

Unhidden Treasure

June 2, 2024
If you recall your greatest treasures, what is on your list?  The things that we think add "value" to our earthly lives, or priceless treasures such as conversations with dear…

Light the Fire

May 12, 2024
We Presbyterians celebrate Pentecost 50 days after Easter.  Some believe that Pentecost is the birthday of the church.  It is certainly the first time that the disciples received gifts from…

Mothering Becomes You

May 12, 2024
Your own mother; any other dear mother-figure in your life; Mary, mother of Jesus; the same Mary now living with John, as per Jesus's command; mother of King Lemuel-mother of…

Gazing After Jesus

May 5, 2024
Jesus was born in human form; endured a horrific crucifixion; was dead and buried and rose from the dead on the third day.  He stayed with the disciples, teaching them…