Doubts to Service

April 7, 2024
Two are walking along and are joined by Jesus.  They do not know him, until they hear He breaks the bread... such a familiar memory that they immediately recognize Him. …

The Decamus – A Witness

March 31, 2024
An Eyewitness account by the Decamus, a commander of a contubernium (a group) in the Roman Army; they were assigned to seal and guard the tomb where Jesus was laid…
Jesus was a Teacher.  He warned about listening to others who were concerned only with Jewish law. His life's path was to solely please God, His Father.  He showed anyone…

The Seventh Sign

March 17, 2024
Jesus changes lives.  Our old self dies and our (new) lives are reborn so we can spend eternity in Heaven.  Jesus raised Lazarus after he had been dead, wrapped and…

Our Lord, Forsaken

March 10, 2024
The Ultimate example of the love of God--- The Trinity.  Jesus, the WORD, created us.  We sinned so Jesus became a man to save us from our sins, so that…
We are so blessed that Jesus gives us "do-overs" all the time.  God intentionally placed us where we are, so we will bear fruit for Him, to share His Word,…