Mothering Becomes You

May 12, 2024
Your own mother; any other dear mother-figure in your life; Mary, mother of Jesus; the same Mary now living with John, as per Jesus's command; mother of King Lemuel-mother of…

Gazing After Jesus

May 5, 2024
Jesus was born in human form; endured a horrific crucifixion; was dead and buried and rose from the dead on the third day.  He stayed with the disciples, teaching them…
Pruning, (or cleaning) is necessary to make the vines, branches, tomato plant, stronger and produce better quality produce.  Believing in Jesus, and allowing him to be "the vine" to produce…

The Good Shepherd

April 21, 2024
The prophesies in the Old Testament (Ezekiel) speak of a good shepherd; someone to lay down his life for the sheep he considers his.  Conversely, the sheep know their shepherd…

A Seven Mile Walk

April 14, 2024
Two followers walk with Jesus and listen to what He says... what He is teaching them.  The Old Testament points to the coming of the Lord, Jesus and how He…