September 29, 2024

To Be a Watchman

Passage: Ezekial 33: 7-11 and Mark 9: 42-50

Think things are not the same in the Old and New Testaments and current times?  Ezekiel was tasked by God to bring the message to the people.  In those days, protection involved a wall, a tower, a "watchman" who watched out for evil coming their direction.  Ezekiel was tasked to "be a watchman" - warning the people to follow God, not deceivers, not evil in any form.  Watchman Ezekiel was also commanded to present God's message in the way, tone, and intent that God delivered it to Ezekiel.  Changing it, sugar-coating the message would end badly for the people - and for Ezekiel.  Fast forward to current day.  This passage from Ezekiel in the Old Testament is delivered at the Installations of Pastors, and appoints the new Pastor to be Watchman of the congregation and community.  It is our Pastor's God-delivered responsibility to say it "like it is" (God's words, no subtle changes, no suggestions of another, easier way.)  We are unofficially "deputized" to do the same; carry the serious, straight-forward message in our own "salty way" to others so they will hear the word of the Lord, understand, repent, and join the Lord's family.

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